The Top Tips for Weight Loss in 2023 - LOMAIRA™
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The Top Tips for Weight Loss in 2023

Whether we’re heading into the holiday season, getting ready for an event, or just trying to stay healthy, everyone has the desire to lose weight at some point in time.

And on top of that, people in the United States are starting to smarten up about healthy choices. In fact, by 2020, Americans who were dieting for weight loss increased by 3% from a decade ago. However, the same CDC reported that obesity rates rose from 34% to 42%. It’s a constant battle.

Nothing can be more confusing than the weight loss world. There’s misinformation around every corner. Yet, one of the top secrets to weight loss is just being in a calorie deficit at the end of the day.

A lot of these tips are not new, but it’s important to remind ourselves that the path to weight loss is not impossible, but challenging at times.

In this article, we’ll go over the top tips for weight loss in 2023 and how you can stay on track in the new year.

Ready, Set, Go!

Nothing in life can be accomplished successfully without a little preparation. Long-term weight loss takes time and effort. While you don’t want to put off losing weight indefinitely, it’s important to take time to plan the process, so that you’re less likely to fail.

Research has shown that roughly 80% of people who lose a large portion of body fat will not maintain that degree of weight loss for 12 months. According to one meta-analysis, dieters will regain half of what they lose within two years. Thus the importance of planning.

Before you begin, ask yourself questions like:

  • Am I motivated right now to lose weight?
  • Am I using food as a means to cope with stress?
  • Am I willing to change my eating and activity habits?
  • Do I have the time to spend making these changes?
  • Do I need support from others?

It may also be a good idea to speak with your doctor. Especially if you need to address any stressors or emotions that may get in the way of getting started. Once you are ready, it will be easier to plan and set goals, then stay committed to changing habits.

Establish Motivational Goals

You are your own best cheerleader and no one else can force you to lose weight. Diet and exercise changes must be made for yourself and no one else. What types of things will give you a burning drive to stick to your weight loss goals?

Start by making a list of what’s important to help you stay motivated and focused. It can be anything from an upcoming vacation to bettering your overall health. Choose both small and big goals to keep you busy.

Next, find a way to ensure you can call on your motivational goals in moments of weakness and temptation. Remind yourself of your values and what truly matters before grabbing that frosted cupcake! Some people even have luck writing encouraging notes on their fridge or pantry door.

Staying Realistic

It’s important when you set goals, that you don’t make them unobtainable. This will only lead to discouragement. Instead, set realistic goals that will keep you motivated.

The average healthy weight loss per week is 1-2 pounds. To accomplish this, you need to burn 500-1,000 more calories than you consume each day. The best way to accomplish this is a lower-calorie diet and consistent exercise.

5% of your current weight is also a good initial goal to start. So, if you weigh 200 pounds, the first goal would simply be to lose 10 pounds. Even this small amount of weight loss can lower your risk of chronic health issues like diabetes and heart disease.

When setting goals, think about both process and outcome goals. For example, “I’m going to walk 30 minutes every day” is a process goal. This is something you are going to do during the process of losing weight. “I’m going to lose 10 pounds.” This is an outcome goal. This is what you hope happens at the end of meeting your process goals.

Find Positive Support

While it’s important to always take responsibility for your own behavior, having others to support you leads to the greatest success. Of course, it’s also important to have the right type of support too. Choose people that will encourage you in positive ways, without embarrassment, shame, or sabotage.

Surround yourself with people that are open to your concerns and feelings, want to spend time exercising with you, and reinforce your healthy eating. Join a support group that offers weekly weigh-ins and accountability, which can be a strong motivator for your weight loss goals.

If you prefer to fly solo, you can always use a journal as your companion and accountability tool. Have private weigh-ins on a regular basis and keep track in a book. Record your diet, exercise progress, and other details of your weight loss journey to monitor your progress and keep yourself encouraged. 

Water is Life

Although you may hear this time and time again, you can never have too much water on hand. It plays an important role in controlling weight loss and makes a world of difference when you increase your intake. After all, there’s a reason why all the experts emphasize the importance of water. It is vital to our life essence.

The cardinal rule is to drink 6-8, eight-ounce glasses of water a day. That equates to 48-64 ounces. Yet, studies show that during 2015–2018, US children and adolescents drank an average of 23 ounces of plain water daily, and US adults drank an average of 44 ounces. No one is drinking enough water these days.

Water cleanses your system, leads to a lower caloric intake, and removes unhealthy toxins from the body. It boosts metabolism, speeds up digestion, and keeps your organs running in tip-top shape.

Change Your Eating Habits

The very first step is to vastly reduce your sugar intake. It’s a direct form of fat and is primarily what causes people to carry around extra weight in the hips and thighs. Replace cravings with fruit and stay away from chocolate, cookies, and cake. Remember, a lot of people also drink their sugar, so avoid soda and juice at all costs.

There are countless stories online of people that have lost considerable weight just by kicking their soda habit, so this is a critical step in your weight loss journey. The worst thing you can do is drink sugar at a high rate of speed. Studies have proven that, just by kicking soda (and keeping everything constant), you can lose between 3.5 to 3.7 lbs.

Lowering Your Calories

Adopting a new, healthy eating style requires fewer calories as well. However, this does not mean giving up good taste or satisfaction. One easy way to lower your calorie intake is to switch to more plant-based foods. This includes vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. You can achieve all of your goals without giving up on savory meals.

A few healthy eating tips for lowering your calories include:

  • Eat 4 servings of vegetables, and 3 of fruit every day
  • Replaced refined grains (white flour) with whole grains
  • Choose low-fat dairy products and lean meats
  • Use modest amounts of healthy fats like olive oil and nuts

Your diet should always include leafy greens as well to increase your nutrient intake. Your meal should also contain more protein and vitamins, than carbs and sugars.

Start Moving

Most of the time, you need steady aerobic exercise to lose body fat. Brisk walking for at least 30-minutes every day is a good place to start. Some people will need more physical activity than that to lose weight, and maintain a loss.

Anything extra helps to burn more calories. Just remember that the key here is consistency. Regular workouts trim flab and help control fat deposits that build up in the body.

In addition to walking, you should try to incorporate other exercises like:

  • Crunches
  • Lunges
  • Squats
  • Hip raises

Do these in different counts and orders to build up your stamina. These exercises are intense, so they should always be combined with regular cardio. Jogging and running will also stimulate blood circulation and effectively burn fat.

You may want to invest in some simple equipment like a jump rope or yoga ball if you get bored with exercise easily. A gym membership also motivates some people to get out of the house and into a routine.


Part of a healthy exercise regimen is also learning how to destress. Yoga and meditation are both effective methods for reducing stress These exercises stabilize your heart rate and work to reduce body fat. If you don’t have time for yoga, some simple breathing exercises in the morning can keep you more relaxed throughout the day.

Changing Your Perspective

It’s not enough to eat healthy and exercise for a short amount of time, just to lose weight. These habits need to become a lifestyle. Especially if you want long-term, successful weight management. Something has to permanently change.

Although this may sound daunting, don’t worry. The further down the path of weight loss you get, the easier it is to see why you started in the first place. Revamping your lifestyle starts with taking an honest look at yourself, and making the necessary changes.

Take the time to work out a strategy to gradually change your perspective, then your attitude, and finally your habits. Move beyond simply recognizing challenges, and plan on how to deal with them.

Although you’ll likely have an occasional setback, just start fresh the next day. Give yourself a little grace, stay committed, keep your eye on the goal, and you’ll be well on your way to weight loss in no time.


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Lomaira™ (phentermine hydrochloride USP) 8 mg tablets, CIV is a prescription medicine used for a short period of time (a few weeks) for weight reduction and should be used together with regular exercise and a reduced-calorie diet. Lomaira is for adults with an initial BMI* of 30 or more (obese) or 27 or more (overweight) with at least one weight-related medical condition such as controlled high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol. The limited usefulness of this drug class (anorectics), including Lomaira, should be measured against possible risk factors inherent in their use.

Don’t take Lomaira™ if you have a history of cardiovascular disease (e.g., coronary artery disease, stroke, arrhythmias, congestive heart failure or uncontrolled high blood pressure); are taking or have taken a monoamine oxidase inhibitor drug (MAOI) within the past 14 days; have overactive thyroid, glaucoma (increased pressure in the eyes), agitation or a history of drug abuse; are pregnant, nursing, or allergic to the sympathomimetic amines such as phentermine or any of the ingredients in Lomaira.

Taking phentermine with other drugs for weight loss is not recommended. Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH), a rare fatal lung disease, has been reported in patients who had taken a combination of phentermine and fenfluramine or dexfenfluramine for weight loss. The possible association between phentermine use alone and PPH cannot be ruled out. Patients should report immediately if they experience any decrease in the amount of exercise that they can normally tolerate, shortness of breath, chest or heart pain, fainting or swelling in the lower legs.

Serious heart valve problems or disease have been reported in patients taking a combination of phentermine and fenfluramine or dexfenfluramine for weight loss. The possible role of phentermine has not been established, therefore the possibility of an association between heart valve disease and the use of phentermine alone cannot be ruled out.

If your body becomes adjusted to the maximum dose of phentermine so that its effects are experienced less strongly, the maximum dose should not be exceeded in an attempt to increase the effect.

Caution is advised when engaging in potentially hazardous activity such as driving or operating machinery while taking phentermine. Phentermine has the potential to be abused. Keep Lomaira in a safe place to prevent theft, accidental overdose, misuse or abuse. Using alcohol with phentermine may result in an adverse drug reaction.

Phentermine can cause an increase in blood pressure. Tell your doctor if you have high blood pressure, even if it’s mild. If you are taking medicines for type 2 diabetes, your doctor may have to adjust these medicines while taking phentermine.

Some side effects of phentermine that have been reported include pulmonary hypertension, valvular heart disease, palpitations, increased heart rate or blood pressure, insomnia, restlessness, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation and changes in sexual drive. These are not all of the potential side effects of phentermine. For more information, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

To report negative side effects of prescription drugs, contact FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or visit

*Body Mass Index (BMI) measures the amount of fat in the body based on height and weight. BMI is measured in kg/m2.

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IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Don’t take Lomaira™ if you have a history of cardiovascular disease (e.g., coronary artery disease, stroke, arrhythmias, congestive heart failure or uncontrolled high blood pressure); are taking or have taken a monoamine oxidase inhibitor drug (MAOI) within the past 14 days; have overactive thyroid, glaucoma (increased pressure in the eyes), agitation or a history of drug abuse; are pregnant, nursing, or allergic to the sympathomimetic amines such as phentermine or any of the ingredients in Lomaira.